Blog Post

COVID19: Your business and uncertainty – your questions answered

Written by Michelle Holland | 2021

Well, that turned quickly, didn’t it? A few months ago we were like ‘corona-what?’ Now it’s on every station, on every social post, and in every conversation. We still don’t have a lot of answers and we have a lot of questions.


  • -Will we lock down completely?
  • -Will schools close? 
  • -Will I ever be able to buy toilet paper again?
  • This is uncertainty.
  • The actual virus appears to be somewhat unpredictable. A few months ago it was a virus that surfaced in Hunan Province in China. Now there are people getting it from unknown sources all around the world. We know its air born and we don’t know if we’re standing next to someone in the lift that has returned from Italy last week and may have brought it home unknowingly because they feel fine. 
  • This is risk. 
  • Emotions are running high. People are more aggressive on the roads and in supermarkets, people are fighting over handtowels. Employees have been sent home to work without much preparation. People are afraid to cough in public – even if its caused by all the “Glen20” being sprayed around.
  • This is emotional exposure.
  • Add this all together and you get….vulnerability.
  • The definition of vulnerability is uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure. I know you have been told that vulnerability is the ‘new black’ in management and workplaces. People are still unsure of what it means.
  • Stop and feel what you are feeling right now. That sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. That nervous laughter. That headache. That lump in your throat. Whatever the feeling, that’s vulnerability.


    The thing is, that’s also the feeling of courage. The is no courage without vulnerability.

  • And that’s what we need right now. Courageous leaders who are stepping up, feeling the fear and uncertainty, and taking action anyway. They are working with their people to tell them whatever they can about the future, even if that’s I don’t know a lot, but here’s a little of what I know right now.


    You, your people and your business is vulnerable at this moment. That means that you have an opportunity to be brave and try something new. Why not, you’re going to feel the scary V feeling anyway – use it!


    The other tip I’m going to share with you… is that vulnerability is just part of the process of life. The more you can radically accept that fact, the better off you (and your team) will be.


    Stay healthy during this crazy period. If you want to know more about navigating uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure in a world of lockdown and working from home.

  • For more information on how to take your business to the next level click here!